Education begins with the heart

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Sekolah Islam Adni
Sekolah Islam Adni is determined to play a vital role in the development of a strong ummah based on firm Islamic values and identity by providing holistic, quality and affordable education to all irrespective of creed and colour.
Therefore, our programme is directed towards motivating the individual to realise his/ her full spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical potential. Our students vary in their inherent and acquired abilities and these differences are taken into consideration in the education process of each child, InsyaAllah.
Fikrah Adni
We see our students as invited guests and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the student a good experience.
Mohd Khusairi Abd KarimTeacherAdni has some of the most experienced teachers and staff. We nurture children from the beginning, and let them blossom to their true potential!
Mohd Kamaludeen Mothen Abd RazakTeacherLearning in Adni provide a meaningful learning experience both for the teachers and their students alike. This not only help improve one’s self, but also acts as a reminder to us on the purpose of our life, as a khalifah of Allah.