TAMAN SRI UKAY: On Friday the 10th of May 2019 corresponding to the 5th of Ramadhan 1440H, ADNI had its iftar jama’ie (congregational fast-breaking) programme for the Prosperous ADNI Family (Keluarga ADNI Sejahtera) comprising its Board of Directors, management team, staff, parents, teachers and students. The programme began with the congregational recitation of the ma’thurat followed by a tazkirah by Ustaz Yusof Yahaya before the Maghrib azan and the fast-breaking time. Then, after the iftar jama’ie and Maghrib prayers, the Keluarga ADNI Sejahtera family members who had come for this yearly Ramadhan event had their fast-breaking meal-cum-dinner together at Dataran ADNI (plus the canteen) before joining the Isha and Tarawih prayers. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless us all. Ameen.
Iftar Jama’ie 2019
May 10, 2019